Colors in Manjusha Art/Painting
There are mainly three colors used in Manjusha Art, these are Pink, Green, Yellow. In Ancient time artists use organic and natural colors obtained mainly from flowers & plants leafs.

Significance of Colors
- Pink – Offering (Care, Relation, Victory)
- Green – Happiness (Nature & Health, Dark green associated with Financial Businesses)
- Yellow – Prosperity (Joy, Young, Fun, Happy Feelings, Confidence, Boost enthusiasm, Optimism) Also for cultural and Vedic Progress.
Impact of Manjusha Art Colors on Human Life/Mood
- Pink – Increase Energy, Pulse, Blood Circulation. It gives peace, relaxation, and satisfaction. Pink color reduces erratic disorders.
- Green – Mental & Physical Relaxation, opt out from depression, nervousness and anxiety
- Yellow – Improve Nervous System, Memory and concentration. Enhance Communication.
Background: Most of Paintings created on white Background.